📺 Authorized server streamers

Streamer system. It is a help for the server and the APPROVED STREAMER.
* When you deliver the AURA TWICH, you will be able to see your party created in real time.

Gets :
- Command to advertise.
- Your channel can be seen directly with @streamer list.
- You get STREAMER BOX to make events on the server.
- Command @streamer on (To announce that you are starting your live stream).
- Additional 5% in cashpoints when you donate.

Name (Character) Party (current) Date (Integration) Platform Channel link Invitation link Content
Seven 2024-09-22 13:02:45 Go Accept Ragnarok Online and other
Seymerr -- SIN GRUPO -- 2024-10-02 17:31:20 Go Accept Ragnarok Online multi plataforma
Siegerth -- SIN GRUPO -- 2024-09-29 21:52:49 Go Accept Ragnarok Online and other