Profile of [ Giglamesh ] in battleground


Stats ponts
Points: 2 | Score: 2000
Member of

High Wizard
5271 / 2500
Battleground Profile
Game Results As Team Leader
Won Tie Lost Won Tie Lost
0 0 2 0 0 0
General Standings Damage
Kill Death Quits Top Done Recv
0 3 0 5623 35736 23536
Skills Soporte Total Healing
Correcto Erroneo Correcto Erroneo
0 0 0 0
Top 10 Casted Skills
Skill Name T Count Skill Name T Count
 Meteor Storm 69  Jupitel Thunder 11
 Storm Gust 7  Mystical Amplification 7
 Energy Coat 6  Quagmire 3
Kill Log - Last 40 Kills
Date/Time P C Victim Map Attack
Death Log - Last 40 Deaths
Date/Time P C Assassin Map Attack
2024-10-06 22:21:55  Bratex Captura la bandera  Acid Demonstration
2024-10-06 22:12:47  Yo Gotti Tierra de jefes  Kamaitachi
2024-10-06 22:12:13  Yo Gotti Tierra de jefes  Kamaitachi